Saturday, April 3, 2010

So I have not been awesome at keeping up on with the blog. It has been a bit of an adjustment getting used to having two kids. So here is a little update.

         I am happy to say Connor is doing better. We have had to take him to the hospital every morning to get his levels tested.This has not been fun. finally they are going down and we can stop doing the tests. Praise the lord for that! Connors poor little feet are so cut up from getting blood taken from them every day for almost 2 weeks. poor little guy. We have Connors 2 week dr apt coming up this next wed so hopefully everything will be good then. He has had a hard time eating.. Seems to be doing a bit better now, so hopefully his weight will be going up rather down. He is such a precious little guy and I am  just so happy to have him. He is such a little cuddle bug and already sleeping through the night. Yay!

   Now for my little Gracie. We are so very blessed to have Gracie, She is such a special little girl. Gracie is two years old and yes she acts just how a two year old acts. :) She is wild and crazy and very very full of energy. Yes most of the time she is running around screaming, singing, dancing and making us crazy.She can also be so precious and nice. It just melts my heart everyday when she tells  me" mommy I love you so much your my best friend!" She also loves giving out  hugs and kisses. Its so cute anytime Jake leaves the house she has to have like ten different hugs and ten kisses before he can get out the door. She is such a daddies girl! We were really worried about how she would handle sharing the attention with a little brother. Luckily she is doing great. She loves giving Connor kisses and holding him. (with help of course. ) She watched me give him a bath tonight and just loved it so much. hopefully she continues to love him and not get jealous of all the attention i am now giving to Connor.

    So that is pretty much whats going on with the kiddos. Then there is me, i am trying to get signed up for school right now. my goal is to get all signed up and get the financial part of it figured out asap so i don't have to go back to work at Walmart in 5 weeks. I also have a dr apt on Monday to get an apt for getting my tonsils taken out. I am looking forward to getting them out and getting it over with. I am also a bit nervous about how we will handle the recovery time and how i will take care of the kids at the same time. I know it will all work out though. I'm just happy to get it out of the way. I get sick way to often. I had the surgery scheduled  before then i found out i was pregnant and had to cancel the surgery. so I have been waiting for a while to get it done. I guess Jake will just have to become Mr. Mom for a week or so while i recover. :) Which brings us to Jake. Jake is doing good he is so sweet and helpful to me. Such an amazing dad! Gracie is such a little daddies girl.  He has been really good about still making special Gracie time. He takes her for little walks to the gas station or to the store down the street. She gets so excited to have her time with him. Jake is  working and trying to get a car and do what he needs to do to go out for the summer and do installs again. So lets cross our fingers that everything comes together and he gets to do the job he loves. so that's us and pretty much all that's going on with us. :)