Friday, April 23, 2010

Missing Daddy!

As I'm sure everyone already knows Jake moved to Nashville for work for the summer. We have been missing him since the day he left. Haha I missed him from the second he walked out the door. Anyways since all I can think about lately is how much I miss him. here are a few pics of us with daddy.

 This was our first family picture with Connor. I don't love this picture cause i look like i weigh 500 pounds. It was right after Connor was born. But its our only family picture so oh well.

 Mommy and Daddy

Mommy and daddy way back when Gracie was in my belly.

Mommy and daddy hangin out at the park.
    Gracie and daddy                                                                                                                                                                                 Nap time that clearly is not working. Ha ha gracie loves her daddy so much.             

Gracie and daddy at the park.


My boys Connor and daddy

At the hospital.

We miss you daddy cant wait to see you in a couple weeks when you come home!

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