Saturday, June 26, 2010

Salt dough with Gracie.

The other day Gracie and I made salt dough. We had so much fun! I have been trying to give Gracie a lot of attention because she sometimes gets jealous of Connor.If anyone has any ideas of projects we can do let me know, im running out quick. :) .

We made a HUGE mess !

But it was worth it! Gracie had so much fun!

Silly Girl!

 We made the dough and played with it for awhile. we made shapes and blocks and snakes and I made circles for Gracies name.  I cooked everything while Gracie ate dinner, then we painted. :)

This is the snake Gracie painted.

Our art.

We had such a fun afternoon making salt dough. If you ever need an easy inside activity you should try it!

 To make salt dough, mix 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of salt and 2 teaspoons of oil in a large bowl. squeeze the ingredients together until they are mixed. Add water by the teaspoon if the mix is too dry and continue to work until smooth. Salt dough is non-toxic and is safe, but disgusting, to eat.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our little family

Gracie Mikelle

Gracie is getting so big so fast, I can not even believe she will be 3 after the summer. It is so crazy how fast they grow up! Gracie is the sweetest, smartest, craziest little girl ever. She is in the terrible twos so she is the sweetest little thing one min the funniest, craziest little thing the next. Then a few min later she is having a total melt down. We are never bored with her around and we love her more every single day. I feel so blessed to have Gracie as my daughter. She really is such a special little girl.

I love when me and Gracie get to have time together. Well we are always together but I love when we get alone time. when Jake is at work, and Connor is sleeping. we get to do fun projects together that is my favorite. One thing we like to do is paint. Gracie LOVES painting. probably because she loves to get messy. :)

Another fun thing we did was make chocolate covered pretzels. Gracie loved it of course because there was chocolate. Mostly she just wanted to eat the chocolate not save them and let then dry. haha and once again she got very messy.

We had a bit of a chocolate fight. :) as you can see by our faces.

                                 This is Gracie with her job chart. I just started doing this with her about 2 weeks ago. Believe it or not she loves it.She likes doing her jobs and gets so excited about putting a sticker on the paper. Its so cute!

I know this may be a weird picture to put on a blog. We are potty training and its going very well for the most part. Gracie is doing awesome! She still sleeps with diapers but other then that she is a big girl now. You may think I set her up for this picture but I actually just walked in to check on her and this is what I found. She is so funny.

When Gracie goes potty and stays dry I try to give her little prizes. Anyone who knows my Gracie knows she is already crazy enough without sugar so we have switched to non candy prizes.  One of her favorite things is painting her fingers and toes.

Of course anytime she goes outside she has got to stop and check out a few bugs.

Gracie LOVES being outside! She loves getting messy and playing in the dirt. She loves bugs and trees and flowers. She also loves animals and even likes snakes. I put the kids in the stroller and go for a run every morning and Gracie is always so excited to get out and  play in the dirt, and pick flowers at the park.

Gracie loves to swing .

Gracie is such a little daddies girl. This is daddies little cheerleader giving him a big thumbs up in Jakes work shirt and hat.
Gracie is such a good big sister. She loves helping me with Connor.She loves helping me give him baths, feed him and she even reads him stories. I love listening to her read stories its so cute. She has most of the books memorized from when i read them to her. 

So that is whats going on with Gracie. Now for Connor :) Wow this is gonna be a long post.

Connor Kyle

Connor is growing so fast I cant even believe how big he is getting so fast!He is already growing out of his cloths. It makes me sad how fast it goes. I wish he could just stay tiny forever. We are so truly blessed to have Connor. He is just the most precious little guy ever.  I am absolutely 100% crazy in love with this little guy. Connor is such an good baby, he sleeps good and is pretty much always happy. Anytime he is not happy it is always an easy fix. He LOVES being held and cuddling, which I love. I hate that he is growing but its also fun seeing him do new things. He is so happy all the time, loves smiling and laughing. He is starting to make lots of sounds now oos  and awws its so sweet. the best sound ever! He rolled over a few times a couple weeks ago but hasn't since. I have not given him much of a chance to though I am pretty much always holding him if he is awake. He loves sitting up and looking around. always wants to know whats going on.

 Connor loves taking baths. He gets so excited and laughs and smiles the whole time. I usually give him baths when he gets fussy to make him happy. This is Connors bath robe from Aunt Haley. I love it so much! Thanks Haley! :) We love you!

Connor also likes going for rides in the stroller. He is so good every time. I go running with the kids every morning and let Gracie play at the park and he just sleeps. So sweet!

Connor after a run in his cute little jacket. The flash always makes his eyes go big. :)

Connor loves to laugh. He is such a happy little guy. looks like he was laughing pretty hard in this one. :) haha

I love Connors hair! Its so fun I love that it is still so red we worried the red would go away but so far its still super red. This is right after a bath his hair gets curly when its wet. You cant really tell in this pic but its pretty cute.

My buddy . Seriously isn't he just the most handsome little guy ever!

I let him sleep with my shirt cause when i put him down sometimes he gets upset. He is just such a cuddle bug, But if i take off a shirt and leave it on him he smells me and sleeps WAY longer and better.

Check out his belly. he is getting so big!

Ya gotta love that crazy hair.

This is not a very good picture. Its from my phone. This is Connors new frog from Grandma Loveless and he loves it so much! he likes to suck on it.:) you cant really see but he also got new shoes from Grandma for 4th of July they are cute too! I'm really looking forward to the 4th of July and the fireworks. 

Here are a few more cute pics of my little man.

We went to the park of Fathers day and Connor got to swing for the first time. He loved it! He loved it so much he fell asleep. haha.

Me and my sweet little man. I love him so much!

Best Buddies!

I am so lucky to get to stay home with my wonderful kids. They drive me crazy sometimes but I am so happy to get to spend this special time with them. I wish I had some new pictures of Jake with the kids but he works like crazy! We mostly just see him on Sundays. We had a fun Fathers day at the park on Sunday but of course I forgot the camera! Ugh. Oh well . We are all doing good. Jake is doing great, just working like crazy. We miss him so much during the week but love our time together on Sundays.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our summer so far....

Nashville TN  (I only have a few pics from Nashville on my computer so the rest will come later.)


Connor sleepin..

Gracie just chillin

 Jake got me roses for my birthday! :)

         Cleveland Ohio

Gracie loves being a big sister.


Gracie working hard on a picture for daddy

Me and my little man. he is growing so fast!


Connor is such a happy baby

so handsome

He is so precious don't ya just wanna kiss that chunky face.

Gracie Mikelle

silly faces


Gracie loves doing the dishes.!

But i don't wanna go Ni - Night Mommy i need more juice, I need go potty, im hungry, i need my daddy, i need a kiss, i need a hug, i need another story, i need kiss my brother, i cant close my eyes, i need light off, no on, leave door open, i need another blanky, ummm ummm i need more juice and it starts all over again. haha. we do this every night.

Gracie and Connor got an awesome new jogging stroller! im so excited about this! They love it too.

And that is our summer so far.....