Saturday, June 26, 2010

Salt dough with Gracie.

The other day Gracie and I made salt dough. We had so much fun! I have been trying to give Gracie a lot of attention because she sometimes gets jealous of Connor.If anyone has any ideas of projects we can do let me know, im running out quick. :) .

We made a HUGE mess !

But it was worth it! Gracie had so much fun!

Silly Girl!

 We made the dough and played with it for awhile. we made shapes and blocks and snakes and I made circles for Gracies name.  I cooked everything while Gracie ate dinner, then we painted. :)

This is the snake Gracie painted.

Our art.

We had such a fun afternoon making salt dough. If you ever need an easy inside activity you should try it!

 To make salt dough, mix 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of salt and 2 teaspoons of oil in a large bowl. squeeze the ingredients together until they are mixed. Add water by the teaspoon if the mix is too dry and continue to work until smooth. Salt dough is non-toxic and is safe, but disgusting, to eat.


  1. Other good activities for 2 1/2 year-olds:

    Anything involving scissors and construction paper (did you know we had some 4-year-olds at head start who couldn't even HOLD scissors?!)

    Making shapes with pipe cleaners

    stringing beads to make necklaces. You can buy big ol' honkin' beads for little kids. Similarly, you can string beads on pipe cleaners to make bracelets.

    When I was little my mom used to make yeast bread and I would "help" by adding ingredients. She would measure out the flour and I'd dump it in the bowl. It was great.

  2. Thank You Beth! Those are all great ideas! I think we will try them all. :)

  3. This is so cute!! I loved doing fun stuff with my kids. And Gracie is darling.

    I'm trying to help out with more activities. One is to give her a paint brush and a small container of water and let her "paint" on the sidewalk. This is an outside activity. She gets to be creative and there is no mess. Another is to get a big piece of paper, like for wrapping packages, have her lie down on it, and trace around her. Then she can draw in her face and clothes and all that, like she is a giant paper doll.

    I found this source in a doctor's office:

    They have good craft ideas, etc., that are inexpensive/ use stuff from around the house.

  4. gracie is soooo cute! you are a great mom!
