Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our summer so far....

Nashville TN  (I only have a few pics from Nashville on my computer so the rest will come later.)


Connor sleepin..

Gracie just chillin

 Jake got me roses for my birthday! :)

         Cleveland Ohio

Gracie loves being a big sister.


Gracie working hard on a picture for daddy

Me and my little man. he is growing so fast!


Connor is such a happy baby

so handsome

He is so precious don't ya just wanna kiss that chunky face.

Gracie Mikelle

silly faces


Gracie loves doing the dishes.!

But i don't wanna go Ni - Night Mommy i need more juice, I need go potty, im hungry, i need my daddy, i need a kiss, i need a hug, i need another story, i need kiss my brother, i cant close my eyes, i need light off, no on, leave door open, i need another blanky, ummm ummm i need more juice and it starts all over again. haha. we do this every night.

Gracie and Connor got an awesome new jogging stroller! im so excited about this! They love it too.

And that is our summer so far.....

Our trip

This is Gracie waiting in the SLC Airport. Watching the planes fly out the window.

Our precious little Connor sleeping at the Airport. He was so awesome The entire trip. I held him in my lap on the plane and he slept in his car seat in the airports.

Us very sleepy at the airport. This is a horrible picture of me i know.

 Gracie flying for the first time!

 Connor flying for the first time !

Gracie and Daddy.

Gracie watching Glee.

Little update.

    Sorry I have been so lazy with posting. We have been crazy! Just a few weeks after Jake went to Nashville I got my Tonsils taken out. let me warn you getting your tonsils out is not fun! Luckily my mom helped me a lot with the kids. Gracie had a blast staying at my parents house. She loves playing outside and they have a big yard and garden. I'm sure she was very sad to go back home to our apartment where she doesn't get to run outside and follow papa around all day.
    We went back home just a few days before Jake came home for mothers day weekend. Jake flew in on saturday morning and the kids and I flew back to Nashville with him on Monday morning. It was mine and the kids first time flying so that was fun. Gracie was so excited to fly, but oh man was the airport with 2 very little kids stressful. by the end of the day Jake and I were both stressed to the max and ready for bed! It was a pretty long day.Nashville was beautiful and awesome weather unfortunately we were only in Nashville for about a week and when that office didn't work out we moved to Cleveland Ohio. Instead of flying we drove this time. We did not want to do that drive with the kids screaming the entire time so we drove through the night. crazy right? !  We left around 12:30 or 1:00 am and arrived very tired in Cleveland around 12:30 .noon. Yikes! So that is whats been going on with us. we are in Cleveland now enjoying the nice weather and missing everyone back in Utah.