Sunday, March 28, 2010

my poor little guy.

When Connor had his Bilirubin levels tested in the hospital they were too high. So the next morning after arriving home from the hospital we went back to the Dr and got him re tested to see where his levels were at. unfortunately they had gone up from 14 to16  and the next morning they were up to 17.5 this was not good. So once again he got re tested this morning and he is finally going down! He is now at 15.1 so we are making progress. unfortunately he needs to be down to a 12 to come off the bed. So once again he will be re tested tomorrow morning and we will see if he comes off or gets another day.  This breaks my little heart to see my precious little baby stuck on this stupid bed all day and night. I am only allowed to take him off to feed and change him. So cross your fingers and say a prayer he will be all better by tomorrow and we can be done with this horrible bed.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Connor and Gracie

She was really excited and I think a little bit scared of him. She is so cute with him though.

She likes to pet his hair . :)

Awww. This melts my little heart. She loves him so much already. She is going to be the best big sister ever.

Happy Birthday Connor!!!

He is finally out! Connor Kyle! He weighed 8' 6 and was 20 in long and had a very full head of red hair!
A very proud daddy and his sweet little baby boy.

He came out with a full head of hair its still kinda yuck in this picture cause he just came out and has not had his bath yet. .
Connor and Mommy ! I know i look really yuck but I just had a baby so its kinda expected .

My little man.

Already a UVU fan. :)

It is almost time!

A very pregnant mommy ready to have a baby! I don't think I have ever been so nervous in my life. I don't know why its so much scarier the second time.
This is a very excited Gracie the night before Connor is born :) She will be such a good big sister!

It is time! This is daddy waiting in the delivery room. We are very tired, very excited, and ready for a long day of waiting. He was so amazing and took such good care of me.Seriously I could not have made it without his love and support.